So CTC played a party last night in Los Angeles- South Gate to be specific. It was a couple hundred people, private venue for a sweet 16. It kind of resembled the MTV show, except instead of a rapper coming on stage in between the DJ set, the live music of choice was Heavy Metal. We were happy to do it because the birthday girl and hosts of the party are family, and also happen to be huge fans.
This is interesting for the following reasons:
- Traditional birthdays in South Gate are usually accompanied by a DJ and a live band performing Mexican music. But not this time.
- Since the majority of the party was teenagers, they were able to express their music preference – which was majority interest in Metal.
- Heavy Metal is making an aggressive move into popular culture, indicative of our presence during a birthday party. This could be promising.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting…
For those not familiar with South Gate, it’s a city right in between Lynnwood, CA and it’s more famous sister-city Compton, CA (thanks NWA). Corporate America hasn’t tainted it. You’ll still find boulevards of private businesses up and down main-street. It’s a small journey to find anything like Wal-Mart or Costco. Even the local record store (Yuri’s) is still privately owned and awesomely independent.
It’s a loud city. On any given weekend, and sometimes weekdays you can hear parties going off for blocks. DJs spin in backyards from dusk ‘til dawn and you can usually find traditional bandas going for even longer. And when live entertainment isn’t an option, car stereos pump the jams through subs and tweets, doors open and people partying. The city is ALIVE and even though some outer areas can get a little rough, all-in-all it’s pretty cool in South Gate.
It’s a mostly hispanic neighborhood, but there are blacks, whites and a few asian residents sprinkled around. It’s very community-driven. Neighbors smile at each other, wave as they journey to-and-from work, school, church and whatever. Ice cream trucks with screaming children running down the sidewalks. There’s definitely a police presence, but unless something’s on fire or you fit a criminal profile they don’t bother anyone. You’ll find cop cars driving past party after party and usually not so much as a glance happens.
Might seem like an inviting place for a band right? Well, yes – unless that band happens to play Heavy Metal.
In a city built on volume, we find ourselves regularly doing battle with bullshit. Even casual jams at private residences cause drama. The first heavy riff that comes through the amps and cops are already at the door. “You’re too loud, we can hear you for blocks,” is the standard complaint. We’ve even heard, “Hey, I like your kind of music but the rest of the neighborhood is complaining so you have to shut it down.” All the while, we can hear techno, hip-hop and Tex-Mex blaring throughout the surrounding air. We point at the house across the street in protest; the cops shrug and tell us we’ve been warned. Like I said: bullshit.
Last night was the icing on the cake. The party was paid for in full. The venue owners were informed of the intention to have a DJ which would play dance, traditional and requests. They also were informed way in advance that there would be a young, rock band playing for about 30-40 minutes in direct honor of the birthday girl. Maybe they didn’t realize that it was going to be a “Metal” band. Who cares? Is that really any of their business??
Well, we should’ve prepared ourselves when we saw the initial reactions during set-up and sound-check. Eyes opened wide. A few people stared at us and whispered disapproving comments to each other. Some covered their ears as if a few guitar chords (to check line levels) were causing them some type of excruciating pain. We even saw some grab their kids as if the devil himself might snatch them up.
To be fair to the audience, it was only a few random folks seemingly “shocked” that we were there. Hell, it was only sound-check so we paid it no mind. But little did we know that our biggest critics, and the most disturbed by our presence was the venue owners and their security team.
Here’s what happened next: Everything was going well. The party was in full swing. The music was pumping, people were dancing. Then, it came time for CTC to take the stage and the place literally went nuts. People of all ages started screaming and pumping their fists in the air. Hundreds ran to the front of the stage to prepare for the show and we were met with huge smiles and cheers of anticipation. Smoke slowly filled the stage, the lights began to flash and CTC exploded into their set – and it was freaking awesome.
The hired camera crew was wild with excitement. They were running around trying to capture as many angles as possible without getting in the way of the performance. People were singing along to the originals and the covers and for the first few songs, things were phenomenal.
Then, all of the sudden – without warning, the power was cut. Not a fuse blown, not an overload on the circuits. The power was intentionally shut off. Well, by this time the room was already in a frenzy so instead of stopping, the band continued leading the crowd into an acapella sing-along with just the drums intact. The absence of electricity didn’t stop a damn thing. In fact, it pissed us off to the point that we had to deliver even more energy to the crowd and they responded with equal intensity, voices and screams. In all actuality, the venue’s little stunt back-fired. The audience actually enjoyed helping us finish the set. They became a direct part of the performance and the final drum solo was so dramatic that by the time it all ended you would’ve thought a volcano had exploded (go Leo!!). Heavy Metal indeed!!
Of course, the venue was not pleased. These jerks had the nerve to accept payment and then interject their own personal belief system into the equation without negotiating some type of refund for the disruption. And here’s our point: Why are people so scared of Heavy Metal?? And more importantly: What gives them the right to impose their opinions in an environment that was rented for the purpose of doing our own thing???
Directly after the power returned, the DJ began spinning some rap music; controversial and suggestive lyrics galore (no dis to rap, we’re big fans of it). But it’s interesting how that didn’t seem to offend the self-righteous. In fact, they were pleased that our portion of the show was now “over”. In their minds the little demons were done. They successfully stopped Satan and the children were safe again.
Being professional, we dismantled our equipment, packed up and returned to enjoy the rest of the party. And it was a GREAT party. Everyone, minus the fearful had a wonderful time.
Does any of this discourage us? Not at all. In fact it propels us. All opposition and challenge tends to fuel us. You see, once upon a time in this country people were scared of others because of the color of their skin. People feared each other because we spoke different languages. Way back, folks were persecuted and even killed for having different beliefs and opinions. Oh wait a minute… that shit still happens today.
Look - we’re just a band, doing what we love. Harming no one. Entertaining all that we can, as much as we can. We love what we do. And in everything we do, we thank GOD for the blessings that enable us. For anyone that doesn’t like or can’t understand us or our music, you are absolutely entitled to your own opinions. Just know that if you ever try to impose or intrude on our space we will respond every time. We will play. We will finish the show. We will keep rocking and we’ll enjoy every freaking second that it bothers you, that it upsets you and that it scares you. Nothing can stop the METAL and nothing will ever stop CTC. Believe in that, assholes.
South Gate, we love you. Thanks for rocking with us last night and ALWAYS Keep bangin’ - and HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY JAZ!!!