So after a few thousand miles, a couple of shows and an adjustment from leaving Vegas it seemed like a perfect time for CTC to take a weekend off and enjoy the great outdoors. Since we were already in the Great Pacific Northwest, it only seemed suitable that we'd take our adventures to the Mt. Rainier National Forest - so we headed out to Bumping Lake to enjoy a little camping.
The drive up was beautiful as we took in all the incredible landscapes. Once up to the campground, we quickly set-up and acclimated ourselves to a world-without-toilets. That was an adventure in itself, but NOTHING compared to dealing with the man-eating insects. Though doused in bug-spray and non-stop burning of citronella candles, we learned quickly that in the thick of night the bed-bugs do indeed BITE! CJ probably got it the worst. The 1st day his forearm got attacked and swelled up like a golf ball had been implanted. The 2nd night he woke up looking like the pillow kicked his ass. His face was read and his eye was almost swollen shut. Must've been one hungry spider. 2nd was Zach. Event bathed in chemicals and 2 layers of clothing -he still managed to get about 17 bites on his back, shoulders and nether regions. The other guys escaped with minimal damage. Cody must not taste good because he was almost entirely unscathed. Evan and Sam seemed to luck out as well and Ed got the inconvenient delight of a bit on the pinky - the most treacherous injury of them all.
Late night coyotes kept us on alert. Saw a couple of interesting animal tracks about 100 feet from camp and a low supply of firewood made us appreciate the term "black as night".
By the end of the weekend, we had accomplished a great weekend of male-bonding, had a chance to appreciate the conveniences of modern plumbing and returned home: exhausted, stanky and itching. Showers here we come!!
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